Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Registry Fix for Colin McRae Rally 2005 on Win7 64bit

The following registry settings fixed Colin McRae Rally 2005 for me on my Windows 7 64 bit machine.

Create a text file and paste the text at the end of this post into it. Save the file with a ".reg" extension and copy all of the text below this line.

(all you need to do is change it so that it reflects the install directory on your system)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters\Colin McRae Rally 2005]
"INSTALL_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"CD_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"NO_DISC"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"NO_DRIVE"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"WRONG_DISC"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"ADMIN_RIGHTS"="No administrator rights."
"AUDIO_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"VIDEO_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"HDCACHE_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005\\HD"
"SAVEGAME_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005\\SG"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Codemasters\Colin McRae Rally 2005]
"INSTALL_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"CD_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"NO_DISC"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"NO_DRIVE"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"WRONG_DISC"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"ADMIN_RIGHTS"="No administrator rights."
"AUDIO_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"VIDEO_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
"HDCACHE_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005\\HD"
"SAVEGAME_PATH"="C:\\Games\\Colin McRae Rally 2005\\SG"


  1. I just did all of this and it still does not work.
    I copied all of the text below your guide and pasted it into notepad.
    I changed all 'C:\\' locations with the location of my own folder.
    I saved the notepad document as '.reg' and ran it (clicked twice and confirmed).
    Only difference is there is no HD folder inside the installation folder, but there is an empty SG folder.

    1. Hi.
      Sorry for replying so late.
      I just played cmr2005 and it works fine. My system is a core i7 and nvidia gtx 460, but it also runs fine on the i7's embeded Intel hd graphics 3000.
      The version of the game executable in my installation is (CMR5.EXE).
      Here's a copy of my windows registry for cmr2005, so you can compare to yours.

      Export of key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters (all values under that key/folder) :

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters\CMR5 Patch 1.1]

      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters\CMR5 Patch 1.1\1.1.000]

      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters\Colin McRae Rally 2005]
      "INSTALL_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "CD_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "NO_DISC"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "NO_DRIVE"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "WRONG_DISC"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "ADMIN_RIGHTS"="No administrator rights."
      "AUDIO_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "VIDEO_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "HDCACHE_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005\\HD"
      "SAVEGAME_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005\\SG"

      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters\Colin McRae Rally 2005\1.00.000]

      Export of key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CODEMASTERS\Colin McRae Rally 2005 :

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CODEMASTERS\Colin McRae Rally 2005]
      "INSTALL_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "SAVEGAME_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005\\SG"
      "CD_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "NO_DISC"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "NO_DRIVE"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "WRONG_DISC"="Please insert disk 1 of Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "ADMIN_RIGHTS"="No administrator rights."
      "AUDIO_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"
      "VIDEO_PATH"="D:\\Jogos\\Colin McRae Rally 2005"

    2. I think that basically what we need to do is copy the content of:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Codemasters \Colin McRae Rally 2005


      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Wow6432Node \CODEMASTERS \Colin McRae Rally 2005

    3. I did not understand, how it should be named the file reg

    4. If you are talking about the name of the registry file, it can be any name you want. Just make sure the file type/extension is ".reg", for example "somename.reg" (without the quotes).
      After you save the file, double click on it and Windows will show a confirmation window asking for you to confirm, you must select "Yes" button to add the information to the Windows Registry.
      If you are having difficulties, send me a message and write the path to you CMR2005 installation folder and I will send you a registry file.

  2. Hi!. Does any body knows how I can play CMR5 online?
