Tuesday, November 5, 2013

TeleTurd - fake your Caller ID

TeleTurd.com is the best and most anonymous service to fake your Caller ID. Make prank calls or use it for business.
TeleTurd can be used anywhere and all accounts include both the web based dialer and calling card at no additional cost.
TeleTurd also features a free voice changer with several voices and a call recording feature.

How does TeleTurd work?
You call in toll free, or use our Web Dialer, then we connect you to the person you're calling and display the spoofed number on their Caller ID. [See TeleTurd in Action!]

Does Caller ID Name also work?
Yes. Caller ID Name will also show up if the spoofed number is a valid and working land line.

Is TeleTurd legal?
TeleTurd is 100% legal. However certain uses may not be. Use responsibly. You can legally fake your Caller ID to prank call friends.
Can I place calls without going to TeleTurd.com?
Yes. TeleTurd includes free calling card access. Just call toll free and enter your PIN.

Does TeleTurd work with every phone?
Yes. TeleTurd lets you fake caller id on any phone in the USA and Canada. This includes regular phones, VoIP and mobile phones.

Can they get my real phone number?
No. The Spoofed (Faked) phone number is what appears on the Caller ID and Phone Bill of the person you're calling. Your number is never revealed in any way. It's 100% anonymous.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Alguma informação sistematizada sobre diversos países

Alguma informação sistematizada sobre diversos países: Angola, Moçambique, Argélia, África central e dos 6 países do Golfo (Emiratos Árabes, Qatar, ...) em 2013


  • Taxa de Desemprego: 16.4% - a 3ª taxa de desemprego mais elevada da zona Euro (a seguir a Espanha e Grécia com cerca de 27%); 
  • Taxa de Desemprego Jovem (até aos 25 anos): 42.5%; 
  • >900.000 Desempregados em procura activa de emprego. 
  • >45% de Desempregados inscritos nos Centros de Emprego sem subsídio de desemprego; 
  • 10.4% da população activa desempregada há +1 ano (desemprego de longa duração); 
  • cerca de 50% da população activa apenas detém o 9º ano e apenas 18.5% um Curso Superior - a 4ª pior da UE onde a média de licenciados na população activa é de 28%.
  •  No 2º trimestre 2013 a taxa de desemprego caiu dos 17.7% para os 16.4% (talvez pelo aumento da Emigração, Sazonalidade, ...).


  • 18.5 M. Habitantes com 100 a 110.000 Portugueses; 
  • 40 a 45.000 Angolanos em Portugal; 
  • PIB cresce a 8 a 10%/ ano; 
  • 7º Fornecedor de Portugal e 4º nosso maior comprador; 
  • Portugal é o 1º Fornecedor de Angola; 
  • Grande carência de quadros qualificados; 
  • 7.900 empresas portuguesas exportam regularmente para Angola (Taxas de Crescimento de 29%); 
  • O Capital Angolano investido em Portugal tem aumentado exponencialmente; 
  • Não têm acordos de dupla-tributação com Portugal.


  • 24.5 M. Habitantes c/ 20 a 25.000 Portugueses; 
  • PIB per capita 549 USD/ ano; 
  • PIB cresce a 7.8%/ ano (uma das maiores taxas de cresci/to da África subsariana); 
  • A Economia Moçambicana é ainda muito pequena: 15.800 M.USD (211.000 M.USD em Portugal; 379.000 M.USD da África do Sul); 
  • Gás Natural só irá gerar receitas visíveis em 2018; 
  • Investimentos a médio-longo prazo; 
  • Alavancas do Crescimento (Carvão, Gás Natural, Agricultura, Energia Eléctrica, Infra-estruturas/ Construção, Hotelaria, Serviços a empresas e Consumo Interno); 
  • País social e politicamente muito estável; 
  • Têm acordos de dupla-tributação com Portugal.
  •  Falta de profissionais qualificados e com quotas rigorosas para contratação de expatriados (10% para pequenas empresas, 8% médias empresas e 5% nas grandes empresas); 
  • cerca de 2.200 empresas portuguesas exportam para Moçambique.

ARGÉLIA: São o 2º maior país de África; 37,367 M. Habitantes (População Activa: 11 Milhões); PIB de 190,7 Biliões USD (Taxa de Crescimento Real: 2.5%/ ano); PIB per capita: 7.400 USD/ ano; A sua economia tem conhecido um assinalável crescimento nos últimos anos. A produção de gás natural e petróleo representam 98% das suas exportações e 70% das receitas orçamentais;  

GABÃO: 4º maior produtor de petróleo da África Subsariana, antiga colónia de França e um dos mais prósperos e estáveis países de África; 1.64 M. Habitantes; PIB de 26 Biliões USD (Tx de crescimento real de 6.2%); PIB per capita 16.800 USD (um dos maiores rendimentos per capita da África subsariana); Economia forte e dependente da exploração do Petróleo (88% das Exportações); estão a investir fortemente na construção de todo o tipo de infra-estruturas que permitam a redução da sua dependência dos hidrocarbonetos. 

GUINÉ EQUATORIAL: 3º maior produtor de petróleo da África sub-sariana (a seguir a Angola e à Nigéria); antiga colónia de Espanha; 704.000 Habitantes; PIB 19.6 Biliões USD (Tx crescimento real 2%); PIB Per capita 26.400 USD/ ano; Economia forte/te dependente das receitas do petróleo; estão a fazer grandes investimentos em infra-estruturas...

REPÚBLICA DO CONGO: 4,36 M. Habitantes (com elevadas taxas de natalidade); PIB de 19,41 Biliões USD (Taxa crescimento real de 3,8%); PIB Per capita: 4.600 USD/ ano; Economia forte/te dependente da exploração do Petróleo (80% das receitas do Estado e 90% das Exportações); têm também grandes reservas de Gás natural por explorar. Taxa de Desemprego: 53%; é um país com grandes oportunidades para a construção e reabilitação de todo o tipo de infra-estruturas.

BAHRAIN: 1,248 M. Habitantes (39% Estrangeiros); PIB de 23 Biliões USD (Taxa de Crescimento Real: 1.8%/ ano); PIB per capita: 27.900 USD; Reservas de 0 Biliões de Barris de Petróleo e 3 Triliões de "Cubic Feet" de Gás Natural. Têm uma economia próspera e dinâmica e são considerados um dos mais importantes centros de serviços bancários e financeiros do Médio Oriente.

UAE (Emiratos Árabes Unidos): 5,314 M. Habitantes (70% Estrangeiros); PIB de 360 Biliões USD (Taxa de Crescimento Real: 4.9%/ ano); PIB per capita: 48.800 USD; Reservas de 100 Biliões de Barris de Petróleo e 214 Triliões de "Cubic Feet" de Gás Natural. São o 3º maior exportador mundial de petróleo. Detêm uma economia aberta, muito cosmopolita, com um elevado rendimento per capita e um considerável excedente comercial anual. Continuam a realizar avultados investimentos em todo o tipo de infra-estruturas.

KUWAIT: 2,646 M. Habitantes (69% Estrangeiros); PIB de 177 Biliões USD (Taxa de Crescimento Real: 8.2%/ ano); PIB per capita: 42.000 USD; Reservas de 104 Biliões de Barris de Petróleo e 64 Triliões de Cubic Feet de Gás Natural. São o 4º maior exportador mundial de petróleo, que representa 90% das suas receitas orçamentais. Estão a apostar na forte diversificação da sua economia.

OMAN: 3,090 M. Habitantes (28% Estrangeiros); PIB de 72 Biliões USD (Taxa de Crescimento Real: 5.5%/ ano); PIB per capita: 26.900 USD; Reservas de 6 Biliões de Barris de Petróleo e 30 Triliões de Cubic Feet de Gás Natural. Têm a sua economia forte/te dependente das receitas do petróleo. Estão a construir infra-estruturas de toda a ordem e a investir na diversificação da sua economia (Turismo, Pescas, ...).

QATAR: País do tamanho do n/ Alentejo; 1,951 M. Habitantes (87% Estrangeiros); PIB de 173 Biliões USD (Taxa Crescimento Real: 18.8%/ ano); PIB per capita: 104.300 USD; Taxa de Desemprego: 0.4%; Reservas de 25 Biliões de Barris de Petróleo e 899 Triliões de "Cubic Feet" de Gás Natural. A sua economia regista uma das mais rápidas taxas de crescimento do mundo, com receitas provenientes das suas enormes jazidas de gás natural e petróleo, que permitem a realização de mega-investimentos em todo o tipo de obras públicas. Têm o maior PIB per capita do mundo e uma taxa de desemprego insignificante.

SAUDI ARABIA: 26,534 M. Habitantes (28% Estrangeiros); PIB de 577 Biliões USD (Taxa de Crescimento Real: 6.8%); PIB per capita: 24.500 USD; Reservas de 263 Biliões de Barris de Petróleo e 264 Triliões de "Cubic Feet" de Gás Natural; São o maior exportador mundial de petróleo, com 20% das reservas de crude do planeta.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Maxthon Cloud Browser

Maxthon Cloud Browser for Windows, Andriod, Mac, iOS

Seamless web browsing is no longer just a concept.

Maxthon cloud browser (Maxthon Cloud)is a suite of state-of-art, cloud-powered web browsers that work in concert, making it easy for users to maintain a continuous experience, un-tethered to a single device or operating system.

Maxthon Cloud represents the next era of web browsing, leveraging a new approach to technology and user experience leadership for which Maxthon is well known. It also represents the latest chapter of a rich dialogue Maxthon has had with its global community since the creation of MyIE2.

Powered by Maxthon’s cloud engine, Maxthon Cloud goes beyond other browsers to make true seamless browsing experience a reality.

Maxthon Cloud is not limited to a single device ecosystem or operating system.It moves more types of data from browser to browser without detouring through a series of cloud-products. Simply put, Maxthon Cloud removes artificial limits of device type or operating system, moving and putting all that is important to users into one or all of their web-connected devices.

Maxthon Cloud addresses the fundamental issue faced by web users today: how to access and use all the web has to offer with different devices in a seamless and unified way, any time and any place. Maxthon Cloud sufficiently addresses such issue with the following 3 major product principles.

The experience must be platform independent. Maxthon Cloud works on Windows PC, Mac, Android and iOS.
The experience must be device independent - Maxthon Cloud makes it easy to surf the web from your PC to an iPhone to a Samsung Galaxy tablet and back again.

The experience must be powered by the cloud.

Each platform supported by Maxthon Cloud is closely and cohesively interlocked through Maxthon’s innovative cloud engine, C4, a cloud-based application that uploads, downloads and syncs users’ web browsing between their devices. C4 ensures effective interactions between platforms and device types and comes with fully-featured, high-performance cloud backup, syncing and sharing capabilities. It also provides a distributed architecture for storage.

Unique features of Maxthon Cloud
  • Lightning fast speed – Maxthon Cloud renders webpage using its optimized web engine that loads webpages and runs applications faster than any other browsers;
  • Cloud sync – Maxthon Cloud syncs user data, history and tabs across any platform their choice;
  • Cloud download – Simultaneous storage of user downloads in the cloud;
  • Cloud push – pushing user desired contents (webpage, text, pictures and links) from webpage to devices of their choice.
  • Cloud share - Share web content with friends through Maxthon Cloud.
What does it mean for you, the user?
  • Easy to use makes it easy to get ‘control’ of your devices. Maxthon Cloud’s design and user experience simplified and standardized across platforms and devices;
  • Your web follows you. Maxthon Cloud will seamlessly sync through the cloud service users’ history, tabs, bookmarks, downloads and setting from one Maxthon Cloud device to another; 
  • Cloud push and share Easily save and send web content from and to any of your devices. Share the same content with your friends – through the web or SMS.
  • Works on any OS or Devices Users are freed from the closed OS they operate on, thus being able to connect with other OS;
  • Superior Speed Users can enjoy faster speed in loading webpage and running applications.
In short, Maxthon Cloud offers a total seamless web browsing experience.

Friday, August 2, 2013

FOAAS - Fuck Off As A Service

FOAAS (Fuck Off As A Service) provides a modern, RESTful, scalable solution to the common problem of telling people to fuck off...


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Basics of Function Pointers in C

A good article about Basics of Function Pointers in C by Dennis Kubes can be found in his website denniskubes.com

"This post is very detailed because I am attempting to create a mental model to help beginners understand the syntax and basics of function pointers. If you are ok with detail happy reading.

Function pointers are an interesting and powerful tool but their syntax can be a little confusing. This post will going into C function pointers from the basics to simple usage to some quirks about function names and addresses. In the end it will give you an easy way to think about function pointers so their usage is more clear."

... in which I found a link to Steve Friedl's Unixwiz.net Tech Tips - Reading C type declarations


Animatable by Lea Verou

One property, two values, endless possiblities...

Fiddler - The Free Web Debugging Proxy

Fiddler - The Free Web Debugging Proxy by Telerik

Monitor HTTP/HTTPs traffic from any browser
Fiddler is a free web debugging proxy which logs all HTTP(s) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Use it to debug traffic from virtually any application that supports a proxy like IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and more.

Inspect and debug traffic from any client
Debug traffic from PC, Mac, or Linux systems and mobile devices. Ensure the proper cookies, headers, and cache directives are transferred between the client and server. Supports any framework, including .NET, Java, Ruby, etc.

Tamper client requests and server responses
Easily manipulate and edit web sessions. All you need to do is set a breakpoint to pause the processing of the session and permit alteration of the request/response. You can also compose your own HTTP requests to run through Fiddler.

Test the performance of your web sites and apps
Fiddler lets you see the “total page weight,” HTTP caching, and compression at a glance. Isolate performance bottlenecks with rules like “Flag any uncompressed responses larger than 25kb.”

Decrypt HTTPS web sessions
Use Fiddler for security testing your web applications -- decrypt HTTPS traffic, and display and modify requests using a man-in-the-middle decryption technique. Configure Fiddler to decrypt all traffic, or only specific sessions.

Extend Fiddler as much as you want
Benefit from a rich extensibility model which ranges from simple FiddlerScript to powerful Extensions which can be developed using any .NET language. See full list of ready-made add-ons.

IDROO Whiteboard for Skype

IDROO Whiteboard for Skype

There are multiple drawing and writing tools in IDroo. You can quickly place a premade geometrical shape on the screen and add text to it, or you can easily draw any custom path or shape to explain your idea (...)


Why there is no Hitchhiker’s Guide to Mathematics for Programmers ?

Good article at jeremykun.com

Why there is no Hitchhiker’s Guide to Mathematics for Programmers ?

Remember when you first learned how to program? I do. I spent two years experimenting with Java programs on my own in high school. Those two years collectively contain the worst and most embarrassing code I have ever written. My programs absolutely reeked of programming no-nos. Hundred-line functions and even thousand-line classes, magic numbers, unreachable blocks of code, ridiculous code comments, a complete disregard for sensible object orientation, negligence of nearly all logic, and type-coercion that would make your skin crawl. I committed every naive mistake in the book, and for all my obvious shortcomings I considered myself a hot-shot programmer! At least I was learning a lot, and I was a hot-shot programmer in a crowd of high-school students interested in game programming.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Portugueses Pelo Mundo - São Tomé (17/25)

Portugueses Pelo Mundo (V), São Tomé, Episódio 17 de 25
Viajamos até São Tomé, um paraíso tropical onde nos encontramos permanentemente rodeados do verde da vegetação e do azul do mar. Seguimos o cheiro do café e do cacau e percorremos as duas ilhas para revelar o segredo de quem vive daquilo que a terra oferece, sempre ao ritmo do leve leve.



Boosting WiFi Signal Using a Beer Can

This simple wifi boost has been shown to increase signal strength by at least 2 to 4 bars. And, well, we can drink to that.

These instructions are in WikiHow and they are worth checking out.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


What is Filtermusic.net ?

Filtermusic is updated (almost daily) with radio stations that stream in high quality (128Kbps) and play only music; you won't find a radio here where people having lenghty discusssions (just in case these are the radio stations you are looking for, try the "Various/Independent" section).
All streams presented have been filtered especially for electronic & dance music from thousands of stations all over the Internet.
Register now to create a personal page with your favorite internet radio stations!